August 2019 is the month this presidency crashed and burned. Donald Trump has 55 Million guaranteed votes in November 2020, sure. But a president cannot remain in office being president only for the bigots, racists, xenophobes and deplorables. He hasn't won any new support in the states he needs to win: Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan. Slandering over 4 Million Jews certainly didn't cushion his 200,000 vote lead in Florida.
Oh, and there might be a recession coming sooner rather than later? Yeah, sooner.
In my previous post on Trump’s catastrophic August, I hinted that it could get worse in the final eight days. Okay, I actually wanted it to be worse. And holy shit, did it ever. Donald Trump ended his August with massive mistakes, being distracted (when isn’t he?) and by breaking laws. This incredible crash and burn extended into Labor Day weekend, so I will count that weekend as part of Trump’s August downfall.
And I am not exaggerating here. Trump is not liking his job. He is working less. He is losing his temper more. And the only comfort he has at night, is that 55 Million Americans love him. He is their hero. They believe anything he says. They believe he never called white nationalists “very fine people.” They believe that he sacrificed his billionaire lifestyle to selflessly serve as President. In fact, they believe his claim that he has lost billions in net worth since becoming president. They will never fail to believe him.
I believe it!
Where do I start? Remember in my previous post I wrote that bad things happen in August? That was a reference to the fact that both World Wars began in August. And that’s perfect place to start, because Donald Trump was scheduled to fly to Denmark to make a bid for Greenland, and then go to Poland to help them mark the start of WWII. You know, the 80th anniversary of Germany invading Poland. August 1939. Well we know the Denmark trip was canceled. And so too was the Poland trip. Hurricane Dorian had formed in the Atlantic and was threatening to strike Puerto Rico and northern Florida. Trump canceled his trip to Poland so he could “focus” on tracking Hurricane Dorian, and sent a message of “congratulations” to Poland through yet another bonkers White House lawn press gaggle. He seriously had no idea what the trip to Poland was for, aside from an opportunity to eat red meat and socialize with white people. And how did he “focus” on Hurricane Dorian? You know how he worked that weekend. Fuck this guy.
The end of August was a colossal, criminal thud. Trump is insisting that next year’s G7 summit be held at his golf club at Doral (Miami). He sent Pence to his resort in Ireland, when Pence’s meaningless meetings were 300 miles east, in Dublin. And Trump found time to attack someone who really, really bothered him: Debra Messing. Trump has no interest to prove to the world that he’s normal. He’s ill, and he seems to accentuate his illness as part of his marketing.
We don’t need a president right now. The office is incredibly powerful. But having Trump in that office is incredibly dangerous and volatile. He has already commited a long list of impeachable offenses. He continues to commit crimes, with impunity, and without any fear of punishment. Our lives are in danger. Fact. It would be simply be better and safer to have an empty White House for the next 16 months. Tell all Federal agencies to follow the policies as they existed in December 2016 and set on auto-pilot. Fucking hell.