Show No Respect Nor Mercy

We left wingers have to be brutal. Never be sorry to see your opponents kill themselves. They hurt us. They shot at us. Some of them have shot us. They drove cars into us. They blew up our economy and our way of life. They put us into cages. They put us into unmarked vans. We must be brutal. This is war, god dammit.

Brad Parscale doesn’t have long to live. Once someone puts a gun to his head and threatens to kill himself, it is only a matter of time before he goes through with it.

Here’s to Brad Parscale’s upcoming suicide. I have no sympathy, no respect and no mercy. So should all people who consider themselves progressives and left wingers. It’s OK to disrespect your enemies if they threaten to kill you or are actively trying to kill you. This is war.

We've Lost Control

We lost control years ago, when we treated Donald J. Trump as a novelty; a form of entertainment. We gave him a television show rather than a New York State jail cell. We treated him as a legitimate president, when in fact he couldn’t hold any regular job and was clearly failing in his elected office. And now we have passed a terrible tipping point into fascism, and there’s probably no coming back.

This is madness. Has a president ever defended an individual charged with murder before?

I was expecting to write a post about how this was the new worst Trump August. And it objectively was. It began with his empty threat to sue Nevada from going forward with mail-in ballots. It continued with his open extortion attempt from Microsoft, should they purchase TikTok (they probably won’t). It continued with his dangerous description of the massive ammonium nitrate explosion, which virtually destroyed Beirut as an intentional “attack.” He said it at least twice. And we’ve already forgotten how he acted while his last surviving brother, Robert Trump, died at Cornell Medical Center. His surviving sisters, Maryanne (age 83) and Elizabeth (age 78) got a preview of how Donald will treat their deaths. Trump waited until a Friday evening to visit his dying brother, some 20-24 hours before he expired, and told the press simply, “He’s having a hard time.” While his brother expired, he played golf. This man is a sociopath.

The middle of August was comparatively calm and normal for a month under Trump - until he incited right wing violence both before and during the RNC, resulting in two men being murdered by a 17 year-old right wing gang member. And the month ended, at long last, with his unhinged presser and a badly edited interview with Laura Ingram, who tried to rescue him several times in an interview that would probably cost any non-elected official his job.

We have lost control. We can’t remove this man from office, even though it would save lives and stop our Republic from bleeding profusely. Removing Trump from office now is a logical action to take. Waiting for an election, watching him narrowly lose, and then waiting for him to leave the White House is not going to work. He will declare victory as the polls close on November 3. He will refuse to accept the results. And he will refuse to leave, which will trigger more violence in our streets.

We should be treating Trump as a clear and present danger, to be removed today. Respecting the democratic process is noble, sure. But this is no time for normality. We have lost control. And we are still losing over 1,000 Americans every day to COVID-19. This period in our history is dire. And it might be the end of this Republic.

This Feels Like The End

I had wondered for decades about what could have happened if the American public had reacted differently to the Kent State massacre. What if the majority of Americans reacted with enthusiastic approval rather than shock and horror? What if there were no consequences for the guardsmen or the State? What if there was no compensation for the victims? What if we had a new paradigm going forward: protesters can be shot? Full stop.

We’d have the end of the Republic. The USA would officially become a white nationalist fascist state. We’d have a dirty war, like Chile or Argentina. Maybe we didn’t know how close we came between 1968 and 1974. It seems Hunter S. Thompson and Alan Moore did.

This week, we had a smaller incident in Kenosha, Wisconsin (two dead, one wounded, as opposed to four dead and nine wounded), but the significance could be greater than what happened 50 years ago in Ohio. This time, we had a right wing, teenage shooter, who the police witnessed and didn’t arrest. They let the shooter get back to his car, and drive back to his home in Illinois, over 30 miles away. This kid, Kyle Rittenhouse, crossed state lines twice (possibly without a driver’s license), and violated a town’s curfew to cause trouble. And then he shot first. And while brave young men tried to chase him down and prevent what they thought was a massacre in progress, he shot two more.

Before he was arrested, the police used law enforcement language to describe his terrorist act. His actions were described the way the police would describe one of their own. Kenosha police chief Daniel Miskinis sad, “Last night a 17-year old individual from Antioch Illinois was involved in the use of firearms to resolve whatever conflict was in place.” I really don’t care that the chief later condemned the violence. The fact that he used the words “individual” and “conflict” to describe a boy suspected of of a mass shooting is all I need to conclude that the police are reluctant to stop right wing gangs. And indeed, they are. Many police are members of right wing gangs themselves. They see right wing gangs as “friendlies.” And this attitude is reflected in police behavior. The Kenosha police distributed water to right wing “militia” members earlier this week, but today they arrested a group preparing free meals for protesters.

But the most disturbing news of all this week, is that the loudest voices on the right are trying to re-define who can be shot. In the case of the Rittenhouse, the right wing is arguing that an armed man being chased has the right to shoot his pursuers. This would mean that anyone being chased has the right to open fire. It becomes a license to kill. Meanwhile, the reason we have unrest in Kenosha is because a black man was shot seven times in the back and paralyzed for failing to obey police instructions. It is possible that the victim, Jacob Blake, was not told he was under arrest, and angrily walked to his Dodge Journey in defiance of the police behind him. After he was shot, police found a knife in his car, and concluded that Mr. Blake must have been walking to his car to get his knife and…stab four officers with their guns drawn? But this justification after the fact seems to imply that any black person who owns a knife, holding it or not, can be shot.

Now, the US has not yet become a fascist state where dissenters are rounded up, tortured, imprisoned or shot, but look at how quickly we got here. And we have to acknowledge that this is all tied to the rise of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which has grown significantly more popular in 2020. QAnon is a vast conspiracy, which is able to include a lot of out of context quotes and events to support the existence of a decades-long, underground child abuse economy run by powerful Democrats. It’s actually a repeat of old conspiracy theories involving children being kidnapped and forced into sex slavery. One of the pillars of QAnon, is that the left wing, being a demonic and sadistic segment of the population, need to be brought to justice in a sweeping week of arrests they call “the storm.” Alternatively, if Donald Trump -a president they believe knows about the Democratic child trafficking, rape, and even their eating of children- fails to bring them to justice, then patriots should act and attack Democrats with deadly force. That’s no exaggeration. That’s the logical conclusion a lot of QAnon followers reach in their education. The evil Democrats include celebrities, Jews, elected officials and coastal, wealthy elites. The first violent incident involving a QAnon follower that I know of was in December 2016. Donald Trump was president-elect. The next incident I am aware of happened at the Hoover Dam in June 2018. The convicted guy in that case wrote letters to Trump and was a fierce QAnon believer.

QAnon is not a benign cult or subculture within the GOP. It is aggressive, on the offensive, and is taking over the whole party. It is evolving into a violent faction of our society. And they don’t restrict themselves to Internet comments and wild conspiracy research. If true believers in QAnon are convinced that Democrats are a satanic army, then that army must be confronted and defeated. An increasing number of those under the cult’s spell are lashing out, whether it is at mask mandates, local government hearings, or at anti-racist protesters.

As one who studied the right wing militia movement from roughly 1977 through 2000, I am a little surprised that the violence from the right continued after Trump took office. The movement was known to flare-up when a Democrat was president, and cool down when a Republican took office. But now it's on the offensive -and has intensified- with a Republican president, which doesn't bode well for the future.

One of the reasons I wish Gore won in 2000 was that we'd have a chance to smother and prosecute right wing terrorist groups. But Bush won, and their activity cooled down to the point that they just attacked reproductive health clinics and the occasional mosque or synagogue, and the media didn't cover it. So if they are in-charge and angry now, imagine how furious they will be when they are no longer the ruling minority.

Or, imagine a worse scenario: Trump wins re-election, and they still commit acts of violence in our cities, while the police stand by and let them roam. They evolve into the GOP death squads, as QAnon fully takes over the party. Our nation begins to have scenes of unarmed citizens under fire, similar to the siege of Sarajevo in 1992. I will never forget the fall of Sarajevo. I saw it live on CNN International and BBC News. Aside form the obvious reactions of “this is horrible,” and “why won’t NATO and the UN stop this,” I didn’t think that something similar could happen in the US. That can’t happen here.

But my historian father, Uncle Tim has always reminded me, it can happen here. It can happen anywhere. It has happened on every inhabited continent.

In order to prevent it from happening here, Donald Trump must lose. And even then, there will be bloodshed in the weeks to come. Win or lose, the right win is going to react with extreme violence.

Be safe, everyone.

Before We Lost, The Billionaires Won

It’s been over 10 years since the “great recession.” Since then, we had a period of modest growth, followed by a depression. Let’s catch up with the Billionaires and how they have been doing since 2009. Like this Russian family, who tried to get richer just before the pandemic struck.

  • In 2009, the world had 793 billionaires with a combined wealth of $2.4 trillion. There were 98 members of a more exclusive club: $5 billion or more.

  • As of 2019, the world had 2,153 billionaires with a total net worth of $8.7 trillion. Membership of the $5 billion club quadrupled since 2009 to 424, and 166 people now have at least $10 billion.

  • To qualify as one of the world’s 100 richest people, you now need a minimum net worth of $14.4 Billion. Ten years ago it was $4.9 Billion.

Karl Marx pointed out in Das Kapital the capitalism  was the most successful  economic  system yet devised, if measured by the ability to create vast quantities of  wealth. It was in distribution of wealth that capitalism  failed spectacularly . Only when government  heavily taxes concentrated  wealth, and redistributes  it through public programs  like universal health care , free public education through  college, massive, job-creating infrastructure spending and the like, does capitalism produce a system in which every social class sees a steady rise in income and living standards. The United States had such a  system for both corporations and individuals between 1945 and 1980. The rich, as always,  got richer, but a huge middle  class was created,  and with relatively few exceptions, the general standard of living improved in every category. This period came to a crashing end with Reagan, who pursued an unambiguous policy of transferring  wealth to the very top of the income scale through huge tax cuts, the evisceration of  labor unions, and draconian cuts in redistribution  programs. And so here we are. The wealthy waged war on the rest of us, and they won.

In the Trump years, corporations were known for having too much cash and too few investments. It wasn’t a big economic boom as the GOP says. It was a time of amassing cash and not hiring people.

The French economist, Thomas Pickety, wrote a well received book a few years ago that thoroughly analyzed the reasons that capitalism tends to create ever greater wealth and income inequality. The short answer is because, absent a tax policy directly aimed at redistribution, the investor class will do what it's currently doing. Unchallenged by strong unions, which would give workers some leverage in demanding higher wages and benefits, and coddled by a tax cutting and corporate contribution dependent government, investors can simply keep more and more of the earnings that increased productivity and inexpensive labor created. Of course the capitalists keep nearly all of the wealth created in the economy. It isn't taxed for redistribution to the society that makes it possible, and it doesn't go to increased wages and salaries, because workers have no bargaining power. The rich inevitably get richer, and that will not change unless fundamental social and political changes take place. Between 1945 and 1980, the west kept taxes, especially on the rich, very high, and pursued policies which strengthened unions and redistributed wealth through increased home ownership and educational opportunities. But with Reagan and Thatcher, all that changed. Massive tax cuts benefited the already rich, unions were deliberately decimated, good jobs were shipped to low wage countries, and the inherent tendencies of capitalism toward ever greater concentration of wealth at the top reappeared. As Yogi Berra once said, it's like deja vu all over again.

Top That, GOP

No major technical gaffes. Eight hours of content. Capped by the best speech of Joe Biden’s life. Chris Christie and Diamond and Silk have their work cut out for them.

I was disappointed by the DNC choosing Joe Biden when any number of younger men or women could carry the torch. Biden could have run in 2016 and Hillary might have stepped-aside. But here we are, four years late, and Joe Biden delivered the best speech of his life. I have been watching Biden since his plagiarism scandal in 1987. This is far and away the best speech he's ever delivered.

Now win it, Joe. As Dwight Evans told the Red Sox in 2004: “Win it.”

Who do we think the highest-profile speaker will be at the RNC? For the second year in a row, there won't be a former president at the RNC. For a Gen-Xer like me, that's unprecedented. So could it be Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Lindsay Graham, Mike Pence, and the Don himself? James Woods? Diamond & Silk? Ted Nugent (wait, is he dead)? Jon Voight? Rosanne Barr? Herman Cain would have been a speaker, and because it's 2020, we already forgot what happened to him.

For comparison, look at the RNC roster from 2016. Look at how many people on this list are either convicted, disgraced (Fallwell!), missing, out of politics, avoiding this year's convention (Mitch!), or on Trumps shit list.

Also, what are the odds that the RNC won't have any major technical gaffes or issues? Who is their IT guy?

One Unified Ireland Must Be The Republic's Primary Agenda

The world reflects on the loss of John Hume today, so this overdue post is ready. The Irish people, and the Scots as well, need to thoroughly  rethink their relation to the United Kingdom. After the world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue of what happens to the United Kingdom will be taken-up as a major project. There will be a binding referendum on Irish Unity before 2025. Breaking up the Union is no longer fringe talk, rumblings, murmurs or radical fantasies. It seems to to be on the verge of happening.

Gerry Adams repeated it so well a few weeks ago on his blog. Partition has to go. It no longer serves any logical political, cultural or economic purpose. Major events cause gradual significant change. The UK deciding to leave the European Union on the eve of a devastating pandemic will lead to Northern Ireland and Scotland leaving the Union.

Buckle Up. It's Another Trump August.

Two out of the last three Trump Augusts have been incredible. They have been traumatic and somehow crazier than Trump’s crazy baseline. The madness begins tonight, with the airing of Trump’s interview with Axios reporter Jonathan Swan on HBO.

The scenario and the agenda seems to have been set by the news media in a traditional way. Reporters are writing that Trump has to turn things around before Labor Day, or he will lose the 2020 election. The history is clear. George W. Bush failed to turn things around in his summer of 1992. Jimmy Carter effectively lost support by the spring of 1980. Gerald Ford never had a chance in 1976.

Although Trump gets away with destroying rules and laws, I can’t see him winning re-election without cheating. So the news narrative is that Trump has to turn things around this month, right now. But there is more history at play, and it is Trump’s history. His track record in August is one of cascading disasters. We saw Charlottesville. We saw El Paso and Greenland. We also know that some of his crazy August behavior last year could be attributed to his knowledge that someone would file a complaint about his July 25 phone call with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky.

Trump has to change his tone, but he won’t. He has to smile and soften his attitude. But he won’t. He has to be competent. But he never was. The game is up. Prepare for a meltdown this month. The really bad shit starts now. Yes, life has been terrible since February. I’m saying it’s about to get much worse. It’s August. It’s what August does.

The Most Explicit Example Of Extrajudicial Murder In Some Time

I didn’t think we’d see a video more explicit than Eric Garner but here we are. There are some striking differences here. First, there was the extended interaction between the police and the witnesses. It went on and on. In the Garner murder, the cops did not interact with witnesses at all. Second, there was no attempt to save Mr. Floyd’s. The arriving medics knew he was expired, and I think the medics and the cops wanted him to stay that way. Third, that’s urine. We see a man pee his pants and die while under the full weight of a law enforcement officer, funded by the city of Minneapolis. And fourth, there wasn’t one instruction from the officers to Mr. Floyd as to what he had to do to make the torture stop. Usually, cops will be brutal, but they will also bark orders. Those orders help protect them from prosecution and lawsuits. Incredible that didn’t happen here. This was murder. It was like the end of Do The Right Thing. It didn’t seem real until everyone noticed that Mr. Floyd had stopped breathing. As the Asian cop (Officer Tou Thao) put it, they tried to get him into their cruiser for 10 minutes, so they were going to snuff the life out of him for 10. This was murder. And I have no expectations of either of these officers ever losing their freedom or their pensions.

We need to demand radical change. We need to show up in numbers and threaten to burn City Hall down. In every city. We need full civilian control of the police. Here in New York. Over where you are. And in the Twin Cities.