The A-Rod Narrative: He's the Hero of the Day (just today)

Michael Kay, the Yankees wingnut, needs a big ol' cup of Shut The Fuck Up. Really. The bastard needs to go away. When A-Rod came to bat today at the bottom of the 9th, with the bases loaded, he put the A-Rod narrative into high gear. Kay spoke about how A-Rod has always had trouble coming through in the clutch as a member of the Yankees. He explained how the presusure was on for A-Rod to get a hit in this situation. "He hears the whispers," Kay told the YES audience.

Then, as the Yankee script dictates now and then, A-Rod was a hero today. He hit a walkoff, grand slam home run. It's only April, and A-Rod already viewed this game against Baltimore as a must win, as he explained in the post-slam interview.

Kay exclaimed:

"Joy, relief, and a 10-7 Yankee win....Today they love him."

Yes, they love him today. It's a special day in the Yankee empire, where the fans have a ridiculously short memory. On regular days, they don't show love for A-Rod. They tend to forget that the front office watned A-Rod more than Boston did. They forget that A-Rod won an MVP two seasons ago (wouldn't that have made him a real Yankee and stop the 'whispers'?). They are cannibals, the Yankee faithful. They eat and kill their own on days they don't win. And when winning is the only thing, there is no fun. And the Yankees are the least fun team in the Majors.

But A-Rod, this is for you. You earned it. They won't still love you tomorrow.

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